Housing Insights Central
Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.
Information You Need to Have Before Renting a Home
You need to be careful when renting a house because it is not yours. Being alert may mean ensuring that the property doesn't get damaged. In addition, you must be observant about your legal rights as a tenant. If yo...
Bipartisan Senator Meeting Fails to Improve Housing for Military and Vets
America is in a constant state of partisanship, and has been ever since John Adams and Thomas Jefferson split the nation's politics right down the middle under George Washington's presidency...
How to Lock in Mortgage Rates While They're at Record Lows
If you are looking to buy a property, one of the most important things you need to think about is mortgage rates. Just a one percent difference in interest saves people an average of about $60,000 over the life of th...
Evictions Caused by the COVID-19 Economic Crisis Could Make the Pandemic Worse
At the height of the closures instituted by local and state authorities, more than 30 million Americans lost their jobs. While some of those employers have since reopened and called back their wor...
Looking to Remodel or Refresh Your Home? You May Want to Avoid These Trends
With the coolness and darkness setting in around the country, many people are looking for ways to update their home to create a cozier vibe. This combined with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is leadi...
Why Building Homes Won't Actually Solve the Housing Crisis
As you may already be aware, the nation is currently in the middle of a housing crisis. Millions of Americans are finding it hard to get affordable housing, and the American dream of homeownership is out of grasp fo...
Struggling to Pay Rent or Your Mortgage? Read This for Your Options
As the economy continues to sputter along as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the employment rate is hovering around 7% nationwide. As such, it is no surprise to learn that many families are havin...
Joe Biden Arrived Just in Time to Fix America's Housing Crisis
America is currently in the throes of a massive housing crisis, but new president Joe Biden plans on answering the bell. The 46th President of The United States began his term with a to-do list that included...
Empty Offices to Become Affordable Housing
New York City is one of the world's most populous and most popular cities. There isn't a whole lot of space available for anything, which is why people build up. They won't construct wide; they will instead construct tall. After th...