Housing Insights Central
Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.
Finding Your Dream Home: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Housing Search
You've been searching for the perfect home to fit all your needs and wants, but you're still empty. Don't worry; you're not alone! Finding a dream home is no easy task– but with...
Housing Secrets Exposed: Expert Advice and Top National Housing Programs Unveiled!
Are you ready to discover the hidden secrets of the housing market? From expert advice on buying, selling, and renting to the top national housing programs, this article will reveal everyth...
Find Your Dream Home: Top Expert Advice and Programs to Secure Your Ideal Housing
The pursuit of the perfect home is a journey that involves equal parts excitement and challenges. From deciphering the ever-evolving housing market to discovering housing programs that cou...
How to Prepare Your Home for an Appraisal
When the real estate market is on the rise, so are home appraisals. Home appraisals are a crucial part of home buying and can determine how much money you get for your house. They are based on several factors, including the condit...
Real Estate Market Winners and Losers in 2020
As the home price rally continues, the market is beginning to be bifurcated into some areas where prices keep climbing unabated and others where home price gains have begun to plateau. The main factor that will influence prices in...
The Ten Places in the US with the Cheapest Home Ownership Costs for 2020
As housing costs continue to soar, many Americans are giving up on their dreams to break out of the rent cycle and own their own homes. While it's unlikely to find affordable options in high-demand areas...
The Housing Market Is the Most Volatile It's Ever Been: Here's Why
The housing market always ebbs and flows in different markets. After all, people constantly move around for jobs and other issues. On average, each American moves about eleven times within his or her life. Th...
Worried about Eviction or Foreclosure? You Don't Need to Be in Most Markets
Eviction and foreclosure are an unfortunate part of the housing market that disproportionately affect economically disadvantaged people. In most cases, rent rises faster than wages, so people earning...
Housing Market Falls into Decline in Milwaukee
With the economy suffering a huge blow from the Covid-19 pandemic that's affecting the entire globe, many states in America are feeling more of an individual crunch than others. Some states, like the Dakotas, Montana, etc...